The PS4 now lets you share gameplay GIFs

The PS4 now lets you share gameplay GIFs

And 4K screenshots for PS4 Pro

A new update for Sony’s Sharefactory PS4 video-editing application was announced today, adding several new features to help prepare for the PS4 Pro’s impending launch. Among the new additions is the ability to take 4K screenshots, make photo collages, and — most importantly, instantly create animated GIFs.

The GIF feature allows video clips to be converted to animated GIFs up to 10 seconds long, and shared immediately to Twitter directly from the console. Sony is also adding a new “internet meme” font to annotate GIFs and screenshots for an authentic viral image effect.

Additionally, Sharefactory is adding a Photo Mode function, which allows players to take up to six photos and create a collage showing off their favorite gaming moments. Also included in the update is a pan and zoom option for gameplay videos, and up to 20 percent faster exporting.

The Sharefactory update should be rolling out to all PlayStation 4 owners today, although only PS4 Pro owners will be able to take advantage of the 4K photo feature.

منبع خبر: theverge

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